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Karina & Yakov
Playback-Theater is improvised theater. Through a conductor the audience is invited to tell spontaneously stories or just moments of their lives. These are then played back on the spot by a team of actors and musicians. Playback-Theater is a wonderful way to connect with each other through telling, listening, acting and music. During the performance, we learn about our own lives and the lives of others, we bond and the spontaneity of it gives it a special zest. Playback-Theater was founded 1975 by Jo Salas and Jonathan Fox, it has spread around the globe and is performed in over 75 countries.

More info about Playback-Theater:
What Playback-Theater means to you?
Playback-Theater is the inspiration, the motor and the big gift of my life; I found my vocation. Playback-Theater is about being present in the moment, listening deeply, being emphatic, using brain, heart and hand, being creative and playful. I love to touch and surprise the audience.


Karina & Yakov
I started doing it as a hobby, first in the role of musician. I found it very useful to develop my ability to work with my body and express myself. I like to listen to and playback stories of people from all over the world.

I think Playback-Theater is a great tool for mutual understanding. It keeps the souls soft and alive.

And through Playback-Theater I met my beautiful wife !
Who are you in the world of Playback-Theater ?

I discovered Playback-Theater 30 years ago. I'm a certified practitioner and accredited teacher. With my company as well as with Yakov and alone I did more than a thousand shows. I worked as a trainer in Afghanistan, Burundi, Cuba, Europe, India, Africa… in more than 20 countries and I am still enthusiastic about teaching and performing Playback-Theater.
I started my Playback journey in 2011. I finished two years study in PB School, participate a lot of classes, workshops. As member of donetsk Playback-Theater «Kibitka» I performed as musician, actor and conductor.

From 2014 I started to assist to Karin Gisler and Joke Rood. I became a member of PB Theater Zurich, taking part in rehearsals, performing as musician. Also a lot of times I performed in duo performances with Karin Gisler.

What are your topics for the workshops?
We are happy to support Playbackers around the world and other interested groups. With 30 years experience we can offer workshops and trainings in all relevant areas: acting, conducting, music, company life or theory of Playback-Theater.

We are also trained clowns and we combine the art of clowning with Playback Theater.
Exercises and skills of clowning support Playback actors for spontaneity and teamwork. And are great fun.
We can teach in English, German, French, Russian and Italian.

Examples for possible workshop themes are:
— Acting: Giving and taking focus
— The heart of the story: How do we find the essence?
— Music, the hidden force: How to be precise, expressive and supportive
— Conducting for beginners: basic skills
— Conducting for advanced: refined skills and tricky moments
— Company life: How to live together through sunshine and storm.
— Clowning and Playback Theater

We still love to travel. Yet our workshops can also be held on zoom.
We can do (live) weekends or series of 2−3hours workshops (zoom)
Fee can be negotiated. Get in touch !

Karina & Yakov
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